Half Akaushi Beef
$1,130 is 50% of the total price. The remaining 50% is due upon pickup or delivery on date selected. Beef will be frozen, vacuum sealed, and boxed.
188 lbs. of Beef
Chuck Roast - 4
English Roast -2
Rump Roast -1
Sirloin Tip Roast -1
Filet Mignon Steak - 4
Ribeye -10
T-Bone -6
Sirloin Steak - 6
Porterhouse -6
Short Ribs - 8
Ground Beef- 100
Fajita Meat -2
Stew Meat-2
$1,130 is 50% of the total price. The remaining 50% is due upon pickup or delivery on date selected. Beef will be frozen, vacuum sealed, and boxed.
188 lbs. of Beef
Chuck Roast - 4
English Roast -2
Rump Roast -1
Sirloin Tip Roast -1
Filet Mignon Steak - 4
Ribeye -10
T-Bone -6
Sirloin Steak - 6
Porterhouse -6
Short Ribs - 8
Ground Beef- 100
Fajita Meat -2
Stew Meat-2
$1,130 is 50% of the total price. The remaining 50% is due upon pickup or delivery on date selected. Beef will be frozen, vacuum sealed, and boxed.
188 lbs. of Beef
Chuck Roast - 4
English Roast -2
Rump Roast -1
Sirloin Tip Roast -1
Filet Mignon Steak - 4
Ribeye -10
T-Bone -6
Sirloin Steak - 6
Porterhouse -6
Short Ribs - 8
Ground Beef- 100
Fajita Meat -2
Stew Meat-2